EN - I wish to be represented at my check-out

This article applies to those who wish to register a check-out date later than their physical departure from their accommodation and to allocate someone to be there to represent them. This may be done in order to avoid paying late notice fees, for example. 

Unfortunately, it is not possible to allocate someone to replace you during your check-out. However, don't worry, you will still be able to leave at any time, 24/7 and end your contract at any time even at the last minute.

Your situation Our solution
You register your check-out 30 days or more in advance  In this case, a check-out agent will be present to complete the check-out. You will also be present during the procedure. 
You register your check-out late notice, 30 days or less In the majority of cases, we will find a check-out agent to complete the check-out procedure with you, even if it is urgent. 
  If no check-out agent is available, you will be able to complete an autonomous check-out please follow these clear instructions. A non-adversarial check-out procedure will be conducted after.