EN - I wish to reduce/cancel my charges

This article applies to you if you will be temporarily absent from your accommodation, whatever the duration, and would like to receive a reduction to your charges or waive them.

Consumption charges (electricity and gas), make up only part of the monthly payment that you make via your personal account. 

The monthly payment is made of 3 elements: 

  • Your rent 
  • Your fixed charges (wifi, insurance, co-property charges)
  • Your provisional charges (covering the consumption charges, and subscription to companies that provide electricity and gas services)

Even if you are not present, Chez Nestor continues to pay:

  • The monthly rent to the homeowner
  • The monthly subscriptions to service providers 
  • A large part of the provisional charges to service providers, in particular, the fixed subscriptions and possibly any remaining consumption charges made by your flatmates, and your accommodation. 

Therefore, unfortunately, it is not possible to reduce or waive any payments of charges, even if you have not been present, for which we sincerely apologise.

From a legal and administrative standpoint, according to the terms of your contractual lease, no exceptions are to be made to payments of charges within this situation.